manufacturing assembly software

Manufacturing Assembly Software

Bill of Materials, Assembly & Production Control

bill of materials

Blue Link ERP is designed for wholesalers and distributors but also includes specialized manufacturing assembly software for businesses that perform light manufacturing. Blue Link manufacturing assembly features such as those listed below, work along with Blue Link’s overall ERP software that includes inventory management, accounting, order entry, invoicing, quoting and more.  Blue Link is a great fit for wholesale and distribution businesses that require light manufacturing features and is not suitable for true manufacturing facilities. Specific Blue Link ERP features include:

Kitting and Product Assembly Software

Blue Link ERP software is perfect for wholesalers and distributors with light manufacturing requirements such as kitting and product assembly. Manufacturers who employ extensive machinery to convert raw materials into finished product require specialized functionality that can only be found in expensive manufacturing software packages and not Blue Link. However, many light manufacturers can find a perfect fit for their business with standard inventory ERP software that includes the required production components such as Bill of Materials (BOM), product assembly, production control, and kitting.

Unlike a full-blown manufacturing software package, Blue Link ERP presumes that the primary requirement is inventory control – often wholesale or distribution – with a production element to your operations as outlined below.


Bill of Materials (BOM)

The ability to define a list of components necessary to assemble a finished good. BOM is used to track production based on what components and other inventory items are available for use.


Assembly / Production Control

Assembly and production control functionality determines what products can be assembled given a defined bill of materials (BOM) and available inventory. This functionality will allow you to assemble product, disassemble product, and assign costs to the labour components of the assembly process.



Allows for inventory to be sold as pre-defined kits – groups of items sold as a single item – or sold as individual items. For example, you might sell keyboards and mice separately or together as a keyboard and mouse combo.

Are you a Manufacturing Company?

Are You a Manufacturing Company?

If your business is primarily a manufacturing business, and you are looking for functionality to schedule production, deal with MRP, and track waste/yield, Blue Link is not the right fit. Our software is best for wholesalers and distributors who require light manufacturing tools for kitting, product assembly, production control and a simple BOM.

manufacturing industry

Manufacturing Assembly Software by Industry

Blue Link ERP is an all-in-one inventory management and accounting system designed for wholesale and distribution businesses with light manufacturing requirements across a variety of sub-industries such as:

  • Automotive
  • Apparel
  • Consumer Goods
  • Industrial Products
  • Electronics
  • Building Supplies and Materials

Man writing testimonial on cell phone

There were very few problems. Blue Link took care of all the integration into the new system – it all went very smoothly. And Blue Link also did all the customization, and we really liked that.

Merrill Ed
Conval-Aid Healthcare, Conval-Aid