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online erp pricing

Why You Can’t Find Accounting ERP Pricing Online

Ever notice how it’s impossible to find pricing for accounting ERP software online? Have you ever filled out...

Involve Decision Makers in Your Software Search

When to Involve Decision Makers in your Software Search

Searching for new inventory and accounting software to manage your business is a cumbersome task involving a lot...

B2B eCommerce

B2B eCommerce in the Age of B2C eCommerce

Alright, we get it – B2C eCommerce is a must these days to remain competitive in the marketplace. ...

Replace Manual Processes with eCommerce Integration

Replacing Manual Processes with eCommerce Integration

Picture This: You started an eCommerce site two years ago, and ever since have had a team of employees...

Global Supply Chain

Navigating Global Supply Chains with Import Export Management Software

Globalization has been aided largely by advances in information technology and trends such as eCommerce, electronic banking, video...

Software Demo

Software Search Process – Save the Demo for Last

When speaking with potential customers, frequently the first question we are asked is “can I see a demo?”...

Save Costs Buying ERP

7 Ways to Save Costs When Replacing QuickBooks

The acquisition of new software is a huge undertaking, especially when you replace QuickBooks or other introductory software...

Blue Link Google Sprint Experience

Google Sprint Pro Tips – What I Learnt from Doing a Google Sprint

If you’ve never heard of a Google Design Sprint, it’s worth checking out.  The idea comes from the...

Managing Multiple Companies with Wholesale ERP Software

Managing Multiple Companies with Wholesale ERP Software

There are many factors to consider when you evaluate wholesale ERP software for your company, such as functionality,...

Application Program Interface

What is an API and How Does it Apply to Business Management?

API stands for application program interface and is used to describe a means for systems to interact with...