The Blue Link ERP Blog

Inventory Management and Accounting Software

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Popularity Contest: Hosted, SaaS & Cloud Software

After many discussions with individuals looking for new software, we have come to the conclusion that there is...


2012 eCommerce Trends and Why You Should Care

If you regularly stop by this blog, you have probably noticed an increase in posts about eCommerce. This...


Ensure Proper Training for ERP Software

I get phone calls all the time from managers, consultants and company owners who want to immediately “take...


Hosted Software: Keeping Your Data Safe

So you are now familiar with the differences between on-premises and hosted software solutions and you have decided...


Customization: Finding the Right Software for YOU

Depending on your industry, it can either be very hard or very easy to find software that is...


ERP Software Consulting – It’s not just about the software

Perhaps you're thinking of putting in a new ERP system or have already done so. Regardless, you should...


Software Search/Replacement Process Guideline

Outlined below are a series of steps you should consider during your software search/replacement. These steps do not...


Accounting Software Outlook for 2012

As we all know, the world will end in 2012. That means that this is your last chance...


Comparing Hosted (Online) & On-Premises Software Systems

We have touched upon the benefits of hosted software before, but we have yet to provide a side-by-side...

Negative Inventory Management

Managing Inventory? That’s a negative!

In the previous post on negative inventory we debunked the myth that some businesses "need"  their software to...