The Blue Link ERP Blog

Inventory Management and Accounting Software

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Fewer Reports, More Value

Back in the day… It was a rainy day, several years B.E. (before e-mail), when the CFO proudly...

SixthSense Technology

A young man takes a look at existing technology, and how we humans interact with it. He thinks...

Technology = Business Process?

More than 40 years ago, Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase “The Medium is The Message”. The form of...

Facebook Facelift Flap

Facebook Facelift Flap

Facebook (the popular social networking site) made some changes to the home page recently. Sounds pretty routine -...

Show and Learn

Earlier this year,  the company I work at, Blue Link, hosted some university students on an “Extern” job...

The Stench of Technology

I read with fascination about Nissan’s plans to use fragrances to alert drowsy drivers and alter motorists’ behavior....


I Sleep At Night

Can you spot the connection? I woke early this morning and, while wolfing down a little breakfast, read this...

DeadStock: Distributor’s Deal Dilemna

Here's  a dilemna frequently faced by small and medium sized ("SME") distributors / wholesalers: You're preparing an order to...

Found by Accident: Tips & Tricks

Did you ever accidentally discover a useful feature or function in a software package, or on a website,...

The Windows 7 Outlook Crashing Blues

Edit October 30, 2009: see possible solution at the bottom of this post. [Sung to the tune of an old...