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FDA Compliance

FDA / ISO Compliance – ERP Software to the rescue!

Compliance with FDA requirements can be a big burden on small / medium sized medical and pharmaceutical distributors....

Time to Replace QuickBooks

Top 5 Reasons to Replace QuickBooks

QuickBooks is a very popular introductory accounting system – and for good reason! The system is very simple...

Pharmaceutical Distribution Centre

Pharmaceutical Accounting & Inventory Software

If you want to start a pharmaceutical distribution business, you must first purchase a license to sell product. ...

11 reasons to upgrade your software

11 Reasons You Need ERP Software

In order to scale a wholesale and distribution business the software solutions in place are vital in aiding...

implementation quotes explained

ERP Software Quotes Explained

When your company decides to invest in an ERP software system, the term ‘implementation’ will undoubtedly be used...

Cycle Counting for Inventory Management

Inventory Management Techniques: Cycle Counting

Cycle counting often comes up in discussions surrounding proper inventory management, but what does it mean and how...

Benefits of Hosted Software - Blue Link ERP

The Benefits of Hosted Software

The story has been the same for the last several years – cloud-based services are the way to...

Pivot Tables

How to Benefit From Excel and ERP Software

It is pretty normal for many small businesses that don't have a purpose-built system to manage different aspects...

RDP and Cloud Software

Cloud Computing with RDP

What is RDP? RDP stands for "Remote Desktop Protocol" and it’s a Microsoft licensed technology that essentially allows...

cost benefit analysis - BPA

The Real Cost of Business Process Automation

What is Business Process Automation (BPA) Business Process Automation is exactly what it sounds like. It's essentially the...