Ensure Proper Training for ERP Software

I get phone calls all the time from managers, consultants and company owners who want to immediately “take...

Customization: Finding the Right Software for YOU

Depending on your industry, it can either be very hard or very easy to find software that is...

ERP Software Consulting – It’s not just about the software

Perhaps you're thinking of putting in a new ERP system or have already done so. Regardless, you should...

Accounting Software Outlook for 2012

As we all know, the world will end in 2012. That means that this is your last chance...

Managing Inventory? That’s a negative!

In the previous post on negative inventory we debunked the myth that some businesses "need"  their software to...

3 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Accounting Software

This question was posed to me a few weeks ago during a phone meeting: how do I know if...

How NOT to Write an RFP for ERP Software: Death by RFP

Just in time for Halloween we have “Death by RFP” [Guest post by David Michaelangelo Silva] RFPs can,...

eCommerce and ERP Software – Not Islands

In the chicken and egg post on this subject, we considered practical eCommerce questions like: How can we...

ERP Software Pricing: Software Tiers [Segments]

Part 2 of The Cost of Inventory Management Software A common problem when searching for a software system is...

What Functionality to Expect from an ERP Software System

An ERP software system is by definition an integrated system that facilitates a variety of business processes. With that...