eCommerce and ERP Software | The Chicken and Egg

A few short years ago, very few owner-managed businesses were selling online (direct to consumer). That was for...

What is ERP Inventory and Accounting Software?

For those in the industry, the answer is obvious, but many software buyers are not familiar with industry...

Growth, Accounting Software and Fertilizer

So you want your business to grow faster? One of the following strategies will help - can you...

8 signs that your Accounting Software sucks

For most small and medium sized wholesalers / distributors, the “accounting” part of accounting software is very much...

2010 – the good bits

As we close out the year, a tough year for me personally in some ways, let's rather reflect...

Inventory Software–No Salespeople Please

In the previous post on this subject, I posed the question: What’s the difference between an ERP Salesperson ...

Death of The Salesman: ERP Software edition

A salesperson is a masochist who occasionally gets paid for self-inflicting pain. That famous quote holds true particularly...

Business Software: a change is not a holiday

Implementing a new ERP or Business and Accounting software system is not a walk in the park. As...

Inventory or Accounting Software – can’t I have both?

While traveling in South Africa recently during the FIFA World Cup, I was privy to an interesting conversation....

Identity Crisis – ERP? Accounting Software Package?

Here's an object lesson in the dangers of relying on your industry jargon when chatting with customers (or...