The Blue Link ERP Blog

Inventory Management and Accounting Software

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2010 – the good bits

2010 – the good bits

As we close out the year, a tough year for me personally in some ways, let's rather reflect...

Inventory Management or Warehouse Management?

What's in a name? Between "warehouse management software" and "Warehouse Management System", the difference is quite big - like tens of...

Life’s a Slice(r) with Excel 2010

As discussed in a previous post, Excel Pivot Tables are powerful tools for analyzing and reporting on data from...

The Old Custom Accounting Software Dilemna

It seems that lately I've come across an unusual number of companies using very old, customized accounting and inventory management...

Inventory Software–No Salespeople Please

In the previous post on this subject, I posed the question: What’s the difference between an ERP Salesperson ...

Death of The Salesman: ERP Software edition

A salesperson is a masochist who occasionally gets paid for self-inflicting pain. That famous quote holds true particularly...

Lot Tracking: Top 3 Excuses

Food distributors, and companies distributing pharmaceutical, medical and other consumable supplies that may be subject to regulatory recall all...

iLike these iPhone iApps

For those iPhone users who are NOT devoted to only ever using free apps, here are two useful...

warehouse management tips

2 Warehouse Management Tips: Pick Inventory Efficiently

Most small and medium sized wholesalers / distributors use a straightforward approach to picking orders. It goes like...

Business Software: a change is not a holiday

Implementing a new ERP or Business and Accounting software system is not a walk in the park. As...