The Blue Link ERP Blog

Inventory Management and Accounting Software

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Show and Learn

Earlier this year,  the company I work at, Blue Link, hosted some university students on an “Extern” job...

The Stench of Technology

I read with fascination about Nissan’s plans to use fragrances to alert drowsy drivers and alter motorists’ behavior....


I Sleep At Night

Can you spot the connection? I woke early this morning and, while wolfing down a little breakfast, read this...

DeadStock: Distributor’s Deal Dilemna

Here's  a dilemna frequently faced by small and medium sized ("SME") distributors / wholesalers: You're preparing an order to...

Found by Accident: Tips & Tricks

Did you ever accidentally discover a useful feature or function in a software package, or on a website,...

The Windows 7 Outlook Crashing Blues

Edit October 30, 2009: see possible solution at the bottom of this post. [Sung to the tune of an old...

Projections for Purchasing – a Perilous Proposition

My Crystal Ball will tell you exactly how much of each SKU to purchase, and when to place...

Alphabet Soup – 2 Servings

Serving 1: BI for SME If you're interested in Business Intelligence for the Small / Medium-sized Enterprise, please...

Free Software improved my Outlook

There’s a free software utility that frankly I’d be willing to pay for, based on the value it...

Can We Talk?

The following could be an e-mail (or Instant Message) exchange between Mary and Fred, collaborating on a project:...